Created rviz plugins don't show up on rviz plugin selector
I want to write a plugin for rviz. As a first step in this process, I tried to follow the tutorial below in order to have a base level plugin to work on in order to develop my own. (note that this link is listed on
However, I can't get any of these tutorials to work, I have tried other laptops with their ubuntu partition and it still doesn't work. I have also used the following plugin packages, and while no error was printed on the console, the plugin name would not show up on the selector on rviz, only the teleop plugin would show up (but I think this is a built in feature).
Info: I am using ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver). The files I have used are exclusively the ones in the links above. I can provide additional information if necessary.
Just to check: did you
source /path/to/your/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
after building your workspace?Without that, any plugins built from source in your Catkin workspace will not be picked up.