How does the teb_local_planner calculate path points for ackermann steering vehicles?
Hello all,
I am trying to understand whether the steering angle and vehicle velocity commands make sense from the teb_local_planner given the local path poses and orientation. Trying to get an intuitive understanding of what's going on with conventional bicycle model equations. I can't seem to get the calculations right or are the results just an approximation of the kinematic model from teb_local_planner? I am not quite certain which is the case. Appreciate any help you guys can offer!
pose0 from the local_path output should be the initial position of the vehicle. (x,y,yaw) = (-21.87,11.4,-0.157), t_stamp=0.866s
pose1 from the local_path output should be the next position the vehicle is trying to reach. (x,y,yaw) = (-21.78,11.39,-0.102),t_stamp=0.866s according to my understanding positive yaw is CCW
The command is applied at t_stamp=0.866s is (cmd_vel,tire_wheel_angle) = (0.222,0.148) according to my understanding wheel_angle positive is CW
The bicycle model I am referring to is from pages 23 - 24. I would post the pictures here but my account is too new. "Chapter 2, Lateral Vehicle Dynamics", R. Rajamani, Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Mechanical Engineering Series, (2012) (2012)
I am calculating the center of rotation from the rear axle lf = 2.1685 lr = 0 delta_f = tire_wheel_angle from teb_local_planner psi = yaw from teb_local_planner
From the calculations, I get the following (d_x, d_y, d_psi) = (1.1e-2,-3.3e-3,-7.5e-4). These values are after multiplying dt =0.05
Adding these values to pose0, these don't seem to be close to pose1. If anyone could help offer any insight, I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you!
Very interesting question. What I am not clear is the connection to teb_local_planner calculation as you don’t show the output of such. I read in the documentation of how the Ackerman model is defined in this module so I’m not sure if you are referring to this or not.
This is the code Ackermann drive to teb_local_planner to help your analysis: