RGBDSLAM tutorial with fuerte
When going through the rgb-d slam tutorial, rosmake --rosdep-install rgbdslam does not work on Fuerte. What would the new command be, and does anything else need to be changed for the newer ROS versions? Or is there a new tutorial? Thank you.
Are you encountering compilation problems? If so, check this question http://answers.ros.org/question/33515/rgbdslam-problem-compilation-fuerte-and-cv-240/
Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, I can't compile anything in the first place with the rosmake --rosdep-install command. I have the rgbdslam folder in my ros_workspace, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Should I build or launch or something else? Thank you.
Could you post the error message you get when you run "rosmake --rosdep-install"? It's hard to determine the cause of your problem without any symptoms.