KDL problem with cmake after complete removal
I have removed all the orocos-kdl files from ubuntu by sudo rm -rf $ (locate orocos-kdl)
then I have followed the installation instructions and installed orocos-kdl again,
and installed kdl-parser
using sudo apt install ros-noetic-kdl-parser
now I have the following error when I try to build my workspace (which includes industrial_trajectory_filters):
CMake Error at /opt/ros/noetic/share/kdl_parser/cmake/kdl_parserConfig.cmake:113 (message):
Project 'kdl_parser' specifies
'/usr/share/orocos_kdl/cmake/../../../include' as an include dir, which is
not found. It does neither exist as an absolute directory nor in
'${{prefix}}//usr/share/orocos_kdl/cmake/../../../include'. Check the issue
tracker 'https://github.com/ros/kdl_parser/issues' and consider creating a
ticket if the problem has not been reported yet.
Doing this on a system with a package manager (I assume you're running Ubuntu, which uses
) is a really bad idea.@gvdhoorn indeed a bad idea, I did it because I was getting a warning while building my catkin space (KTH-RPL repo) about this library that CMake can't see it since it's hidden, so I have decided to delete everything and reinstall the library again, but instead of the gentle warning, I'm getting an error says: