costmap2d publish nothing [closed]
hi, i try to use costmap2d, i have configurated my .yaml file so that there are no warnings, update_frequenzy=3 and toloranz = 0.5 and the scan topic to /scan but the node isn't publishing anything but it subscriebs the laserScanMsg...what is my fault ?
You need to gather more information. Is /scan being published? What data? What is in the costmap? (rostopic and other tools will be helpful)
Are you using the footprint?
yes /scan gets publisched it is /gazebo -> /scan -> /costmap2d_node rotopic output from costmap2d_node/unokwn_space : header: seq: 0 stamp: secs: 184 nsecs: 659000000 frame_id: /map cell_width: 0.0250000003725 cell_height: 0.0250000003725
cells: []
all following msg looks same
yes i use the footprint
and rxconsole donw show any errors or warnings