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rostipic echo doesn't work because of a md5sum problem

asked 2021-11-28 13:48:14 -0500

v.leto gravatar image

Hi, I am playing a bag file and I typed rostopic echo /nav_status to see the actual messages but this error message appears. What's going on? I saw other similar questions but I don't understand them. Thanks

 [ERROR] [1638128325.171514535]: Client [/rostopic_4147_1638128309790] wants topic /nav_status to have datatype/md5sum [marta_msgs/NavStatus/ccb836e840c83634382508157bfdb91e], but our version has [marta_msgs/NavStatus/2652576ed189854bff45893603a05bc0]. Dropping connection.
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2 Answers

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answered 2021-11-28 17:01:06 -0500

Geoff gravatar image

updated 2021-11-30 17:04:00 -0500

This means that the data in the bag file used one version of the marta_msgs/NavStatus message type, and your system has a different version installed. You probably need to install an older version of the package that provides marta_msgs. You tagged this with kinetic so I assume you are using ROS Kinetic. If you know what version of ROS the bag file was created on, you can find the version of the package that is for that ROS version. Then you can copy out the message definition file and install it locally.

To solve the problem more permanently for this bag file, you could writer a converter that takes in the old message type on one topic, and publishes the new type on a new topic, and play the bag file into that while recording the output into a new bag file.

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answered 2021-11-28 16:57:50 -0500

miura gravatar image

You need to load the message type marta_msgs/NavStatus, which I assume is a custom message created by you or your organization, since I can't find it in Google.

Have you ever seen a ROS package called marta_msgs? If so, copy marta_msgs to your ROS workspace under src. You can build it with catkin_make or similar and load it with source devel/setup.bash.

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Hi! it is a custom message and I already have the package in my src

v.leto gravatar image v.leto  ( 2021-11-29 02:17:08 -0500 )edit

I'm glad you own the message definition. Were you able to build and load it?

If you did and the result is still the same, you may be using different marta_msgs as pointed out by @Geoff.

miura gravatar image miura  ( 2021-11-29 17:55:08 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-11-28 13:48:14 -0500

Seen: 176 times

Last updated: Nov 30 '21