Hello @dhiman,
I am not sure whether my solution will be correct for you, but I am giving an overview of how you can connect Delta PLC with ROS.
Let's say you are using python pyModbusTCP to connect your code with your DELTA AS228P or in CPP, and you can use libmodbus.
Code example of Python side.
from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient
c=ModbusClient(host='localhost',port=9999,auto_ope n=True)
print("reading register values")
if regs:
print("write value to register")
Let's say your python or CPP code is working correctly, and you can communicate to your IO via ethernet. Now you can directly create hardware packages based on the above code. The hardware packages with nodes, topics, and services can be used based on your application requirement.
I hope that will help you. Feel free to drop a comment in case of any query.