About the follow waypoint feature package can’t walk continuously?
When I use the follow_waypoint feature package, I marked three points, but the robot stopped when it reached the first waypoint. I don’t know the reason. Do you guys know how to solve it?
Can you pls show your RViz settings?
To initiate waypoint following send a "path ready" message.
$ rostopic pub /path_ready std_msgs/Empty -1
Source: http://wiki.ros.org/follow_waypoints
Yes, I have set rviz correctly, but occasionally, when setting two or three points, the robot stops after reaching the first point, and sometimes the planned route will ignore the middle one waypoint. At the same time, when running on the actual robot, after reaching the first target point, the robot will either stop motionless or retreat to another position, and will not run according to the next waypoint position. I don't know why this is. I hope you can help answer it.