Map projection and localization in long distance operation

asked 2021-12-23 09:54:18 -0500

0xd1ma gravatar image

When the ground robot was moving over long distances, we faced the problem of increasing distortions when using UTM projection relative to the central meridian of the zone in localization and mapping tasks. The use of a private transverse Mercator projection also does not work at significant distances of movement.

This leads to the need to stop and reinitialize the system with setting new datum value.

Are there standard approaches to solve this problem?

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Hello, How big were the distances? have you been able to solve this without setting new datums? if you did set new datums, when and how did you determine that you needed to set new datums? also you didnt state it, were you using the navsat_transform_node?

Thanks, Yair

yairBAR-BWR gravatar image yairBAR-BWR  ( 2022-03-27 08:14:06 -0500 )edit