pcl_tracking in perception_pcl_electric_unstable gives nodelet error
I'm trying to implement tracking using pcl::tracking library. Everything builds normaly, but when I try to run nodelet I get an error:
Failed to load nodelet [/Detection_Tracking] of type [Detector/Detection_Tracking]:
Failed to load library /home/grega/ros_workspace/diploma/Detector/lib/libDetector.so.
Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_REGISTER_CLASS macro in the library code,
and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML.
Error string: Cannot load library: /home/grega/ros_workspace/diploma/Detector/lib/libDetector.so:
undefined symbol: _ZN3pcl8tracking21ParticleFilterTrackerINS_12PointXYZRGBAENS0_14ParticleXYZRPYEE11initComputeEv
[FATAL] [1342859395.359533594]: Service call failed!
Do I have to link somehow libpcl_tracking.so in CMakeList.txt? Shouldn't be that done automatically when I add pcl dependency in manifest.xml?
I'm using Ubuntu and ROS Electric.
Thank's for your help.