move_base bug:"Unable to get starting pose of robot, unable to create global plan"

asked 2022-02-04 21:13:24 -0600

Hlezzaik gravatar image


I'm trying to configure move_base on a Jetson Nano board (Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic) equipped with a ZED2 camera. The ZED2 provides the "/odom" topic which updates the robot pose. The package seems to work well and avoids obstacles perfectly well.

Unfortunately though, I frequently get this bug: "Unable to get starting pose of robot, unable to create global plan", and thus the whole system breaks and stops. Not sure if it's a computation or memory problem - but checked for both and it doesn't seem that I hit any limitations.

I am following the tutorial on this page: move_base - ROS Wiki

Here are the config files for move_base on the jetbot:

Complete Launch File:

<arg name="svo_file"             default="" /> <!-- <arg name="svo_file" default="path/to/svo/file.svo"> -->
<arg name="stream"               default="" /> <!-- <arg name="stream" default="<ip_address>:<port>"> -->

<arg name="node_name"            default="zed_node" />
<arg name="camera_model"         default="zed2" />
<arg name="publish_urdf"         default="true" />

<arg name="camera_name"          default="zed2" />

<arg name="base_frame"           default="base_link" />

<arg name="cam_pos_x"             default="0.0" /> <!-- Position respect to base frame (i.e. "base_link) -->
<arg name="cam_pos_y"             default="0.0" /> <!-- Position respect to base frame (i.e. "base_link) -->
<arg name="cam_pos_z"             default="0.0" /> <!-- Position respect to base frame (i.e. "base_link) -->
<arg name="cam_roll"              default="0.0" /> <!-- Orientation respect to base frame (i.e. "base_link) -->
<arg name="cam_pitch"             default="0.0" /> <!-- Orientation respect to base frame (i.e. "base_link) -->
<arg name="cam_yaw"               default="0.0" /> <!-- Orientation respect to base frame (i.e. "base_link) -->

<group ns="$(arg camera_name)">
    <include file="$(find zed_wrapper)/launch/include/zed_camera.launch.xml">
        <arg name="camera_name"         value="$(arg camera_name)" />
        <arg name="svo_file"            value="$(arg svo_file)" />
        <arg name="stream"              value="$(arg stream)" />
        <arg name="node_name"           value="$(arg node_name)" />
        <arg name="camera_model"        value="$(arg camera_model)" />
        <arg name="base_frame"          value="$(arg base_frame)" />
        <arg name="publish_urdf"        value="$(arg publish_urdf)" />
        <arg name="cam_pos_x"           value="$(arg cam_pos_x)" />
        <arg name="cam_pos_y"           value="$(arg cam_pos_y)" />
        <arg name="cam_pos_z"           value="$(arg cam_pos_z)" />
        <arg name="cam_roll"            value="$(arg cam_roll)" />
        <arg name="cam_pitch"           value="$(arg cam_pitch)" />
        <arg name="cam_yaw"             value="$(arg cam_yaw)" />

<remap from="/odom" to="/zed2/zed_node/odom"/>

<node pkg="pointcloud_to_laserscan" type="pointcloud_to_laserscan_node" name="pointcloud_to_laserscan"/>

<!-- NODE 3: ROS Jetbot -->
<node name="jetbot_control_node" pkg="ros_jetbot" type=""/>

<!-- NODE 4: Move Base Wrapper (Configuration) -->
<node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" output="screen">
    <rosparam file="$(find zed_move_base)/config/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap" />
    <rosparam file="$(find zed_move_base)/config/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap" />
    <rosparam file="$(find zed_move_base)/config/local_costmap_params.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap" />
    <rosparam file="$(find zed_move_base)/config ...
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Try gradually increasing: transform_tolerance: 1.0

osilva gravatar image osilva  ( 2022-02-06 21:46:27 -0600 )edit