SLAM with ROS2
Dear Community!! I am currently working on a project with a RPI4 and a LIDAR Scanner RPLidar A1M8-R5. The operating system is Ubuntu Mate and I currently use ROS2 Foxy. At this point, I can display the data from the LIDAR in RVIZ2 under the topic /scan with the type sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan. Now my question is how can I create a map from this data with NAV2 or SLAM_toolbox and what steps I need to do to create this map. Unfortunately at the moment I can't find any tutorial which I can use.
Thanks in advance for your answers!!
You can learn a lot by reading code and packages from others - this one is a nice example of using SLAM (with: Gmapping, Slam_toolbox, Cartographer used)