MoveIt! planning is slower when using attachedCollisionObject instead of URDF collision object

asked 2022-03-02 10:12:23 -0500

bgreenberg gravatar image


I'm using MoveIt! with ROS Noetic and I'm seeing some unexpected behavior with the speed of motion planning.

My application requires different parts to be loaded into a workcell throughout operation and processed.

When a collision object is included in the URDF, planning is consistently around one duration, in my case 12 seconds.

However, when the collision object is instead added to the environment using processAttachedCollisionObjectMsg the planning duration is consistently 3-4 times longer, closer to 40 seconds.

Everything about the planning problem is identical except for the method used for loading the part's collision geometry into the planning scene.

Are these two methods of adding a collision object to the planning scene handled differently? I.e. Are these results to be expected?

Are there any suggestions on how to dynamically change the planning scene in MoveIt? I am aware of the discussions at #q197320 and #q339502

Appreciate any insights :)

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