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Global planner on PC while rest of NavStack stays on robot?

asked 2022-03-10 08:22:34 -0500

WarTurtle gravatar image

I have a swarm of robots that all need to follow paths created from an external pc via wifi as can be seen in the image. image description

For ROS2, suggestions have been to launch the planner server on the pc and the rest of the nav2 packages on the robot, but how would this be implemented? Is the navigation2/nav_planner not reliant on a lot of the packages in the main navigation2 workspace? Would I need to publish this data from the robot back to the pc in order for it to work properly? I was hoping to limit the amount of data that needed to be sent over the internet, as I suspect it to be a bottleneck when the amount of robots increase. Also, the path planner is determined by what is written as a plugin in the nav2_params.yaml file (line 286), which I suspect needs to be on the robot? So how would this be accessed by the path planning algorithm on the pc?

For ROS1, I am not sure, but I am guessing it is mostly the same with navigation/global_planner being started on the pc with the rest of the navstack on the robot. And then the same questions apply.

If you have any suggestions, be it for ROS1 or ROS2, please speak your mind, I can use all the help I can get.

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-03-11 07:22:19 -0500

ljaniec gravatar image

updated 2022-03-11 07:24:23 -0500

This post from The Robotics Back-End suggests that it is possible quite easily if you can separate nodes of nav_planner from others in each robot launcher.

The robots and PC in the same network will all be able to communicate through topics, services and actions. You should check which nodes would require remapping of the topics to namespaces - I would start with the from Nav2 repository as a base and then work on separation of the nodes.

Just for your information, I am not sure how to limit amount of the data needed to sent over the Internet there. This seems to be a problem of centralized systems with not so simple solutions (there do exist, but they require more work).

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Asked: 2022-03-10 08:22:34 -0500

Seen: 108 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '22