Problem with pcl saving

asked 2022-03-21 09:32:55 -0600

hichriayoub gravatar image

Hello everyone i have a problem with bag_to_pcd saving pcd files it saves every file with the same name , and i don't know why this is happening

 fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 2 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 2 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 2 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 1 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 2 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 3 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
Got 4 data points in frame ti_mmwave on topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan_pcl with the following fields: x y z intensity
Data saved to bagfiles/0.000000000.pcd
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