How can I install ROS Industrial on ROS Noetic?

asked 2022-03-30 02:06:53 -0500

LuisEFA1998 gravatar image

I was checking this ROS Wiki page, and it says there is no binary install yet but you can try the unstable version for developers. Has anyone done this type of installation?

And if so, could you tell me how to do it, it's that I need to use that package in my school project and my computer has problems with Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.06 versions, that's why I haven't tried ROS Melodic or Kinectic.

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it's that I need to use that package in my school project [..]

which package(s) specifically do you need?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2022-03-30 06:20:18 -0500 )edit