Rosservice call to delete an assembled model piece by piece

asked 2022-04-02 17:40:15 -0500

hwan30 gravatar image

updated 2022-04-02 17:50:21 -0500

I want to simulate disassembling a electric vehicle battery pack(SW_pack6), so I need to remove parts from the battery pack piece by piece, I want to be able to delete them piece by piece, but initial testing with rosservice call, after I delete the first model part(SW_pack6::HW_HV_cable_sc'),the part did disappear, it never returns the true message, seems like something is still processing in the background. rosservice call /gazebo/delete_model

"model_name: 'SW_pack6::HW_HV_cable_sc'" 
success: False
status_message: "DeleteModel: Model pushed to delete queue, but delete service timed out waiting for\
  \ model to disappear from simulation"

I suspect it is trying to delete the whole SW_pack6, instead of just SW_pack6::HW_HV_cable_sc. If I used them as SW_pack6::partA, SW_pack6::partB, why this architecture causes issue with rosservice call delete_model. I want to delete parts from the assembled model. But if I use everything as links, I am not able to delete links.

Could anyone give suggestions on any way to fix the rosservice call? And a better way to make a disassembled model? Thanks

link to my screen shot of model and architecture tree:

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