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robot_self_filter + rgb pointcloud

asked 2012-07-25 23:23:14 -0500

ZdenekM gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:59:57 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image


if I use robot_self_filter to filter points from kinect colored pointcloud the resulting output is without color. Is it error or feature? Is there way how to filter colored pointcloud without loosing color? I'm using ROS Electric.


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2 Answers

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answered 2012-07-26 00:11:37 -0500

Lorenz gravatar image

I would consider that a bug. Best if you file a ticket for that.

Btw. you could also try the realtime_urdf_filter package that should be much faster since it is based on OpenGL rendering.

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answered 2012-07-26 06:00:51 -0500

Adolfo Rodriguez T gravatar image

Up to ROS Electric, the robot_self_filter_color package lived in the pr2_object_manipulation stack. It seems to have moved elsewhere in fuerte, though.

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Asked: 2012-07-25 23:23:14 -0500

Seen: 379 times

Last updated: Jul 26 '12