Upgrading to PCL 1.6.0 with ROS fuerte Ubuntu 12.04
Hi all,
I am trying to download the latest PCL library so that I can try using their object recognition code, however I can't figure out how to properly install it.
I followed the instruction for compiling from source on the PCL website http://pointclouds.org/downloads/source.html.
"cd PCL-1.6.0 && mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make sudo make install"
Everything seems to install fine but when I searched through the folders it generated, the file paths were all different. For example, planar_polygon.h should be in /pcl/geometery/planar_polygon.h, instead it is in pcl-1.6/pcl/geometery/include/pcl/geometery/. It seems like all the header files that my programs want are buried in sub-directories. Did I compile/make my pcl library incorrectly?
I tried manually moving the header files to where they should be but when I rosmake my program it gives me LOTS of errors. Therefore I feel as though I am installing incorrectly in some way.
Kind regards, Martin