Hi what does #include <std_msgs/String.h> mean?
Hello! i have general knowledge with c and c++ but quite new to ros. I know #include includes libraries and headers such as #include <ros.h> etc. But i dont get what #include <std_msgs string.h=""> means, im guessing we are importing Sting.h library/header from std_msgs library? Somewhat like in python we use from ___ import ___. i dont even know what std_msgs is. I did my fair share of digging online but couldn't find any satisfactory answers. Also i have never seen a '/' inbetween an include before. Thanks for whoever has read this. And thanks in advance to whoever replied. This is my first ever question in this page, dont know what to expect. I got this question when i was doing the ros-arduino tutorials. The hello world one. rosserial_arduino/Tutorials/Hello World