global frame in move_base
Hi, I am slightly confused regarding the global frame parameter that is set in the local_costmap.yaml and global_costmap.yaml files to run move_base. The "local" parameter specified global frame as odom and the "global_costmap" specifies it as map. What exactly is the significance of this? Additionally where is map coming from? I have odom being published by the controller of my robot however my map building is published at another topic. Does move_base generate map by itself? If so why can I not see it as a published topic?
The reason I ask this question is because I am facing the following problem: I send a Goal to the move_base action server to complete. /odom is set as the global frame in my local_costmap_params.yaml file. However the robot goes to a random position and sends back task successful. In other words it does not listen to data published by /odom. Since at task completion /odom is publishing a random pose that does not correspond to the Goal position I specified it to go to. Any inputs/ suggestions?
Thanks Ammar