Remapping - Why can't I see any PointCloud data from these rostopics
I am trying to implement this project:
I am using RPLidar. So, the first thing to do was:
According to the instructions, I needed to publish pointclouds
to /filtered_cloud
ROS topic.
It says:
By default, the ROS node for the sensor will publish data on some default topic. For example, the Velodyne VLP 16 node discussed above will publish the point cloud data to: the /velodyne_points. You can easily remap the topics so that the data gets published on to the /filtered_cloud topic by using this line in your roslaunch file (VLP16_points.launch)
3 things to consider:
1. I am using RPlidar and rplidar.launch file is read-only.
2. Lidar was not publishing any pointcloud data after roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
. I could see only laser scan from Rviz. So I should have remapped the laser scan data ---> to pointcloud data.
3. I learned that I can not directly publish the laser scan data (/scan) to the pointcloud (/filtered_cloud) topic, so I used laser_assembler package that converts the laser scans to point cloud, here are the codes:
<node name="laser_scan_assembler" pkg="laser_assembler" type="laser_scan_assembler" output="screen">
<remap from="scan" to="/scan"/>
<param name="fixed_frame" type="string" value="laser"/>
<node name="test_client" pkg="laser_assembler_demo" type="" output="screen">
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from laser_assembler.srv import *
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
assemble_scans = rospy.ServiceProxy('assemble_scans2',AssembleScans2)
pub = rospy.Publisher("/filtered_cloud", PointCloud2, queue_size = 1)
r = rospy.Rate(1)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
resp = assemble_scans(rospy.Time(0,0), rospy.get_rostime())
print ("Got cloud with ",len(, "points")
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
print ("Service call failed:", e)
Before all these remappings, I could not see any topic or data on the pointcloud area. Now I can see the point clouds on filtered_cloud
topic from rviz
But, in the project, in addition to filtered_cloud
topic, there are also some clustered
topics in pointcloud section. And I can not see any data when I select any of them
Instructions were saying:
As long as you have the point clouds published on to the filtered_cloud rostopic, you should see outputs from this node published onto the obj_id, cluster_0, cluster_1, …, cluster_5 topics along with the markers on viz topic which you can visualize using RViz.
But even though I can see filtered_cloud topic now, I can not see anything when I click on any other topics.
So I wonder if I missed anything when getting the filtered_cloud data.
Here were the commands:
>roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
>rosrun rviz rviz
>rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 map laser 50
>roslaunch laser_assembler_demo assembler.launch
>roslaunch laser_assembler_demo service_client.launch
>rosrun multi_object_tracking_lidar kf_tracker
I can not upload any picture because of low user points, sorry for the complicated explanation. And I am really noob with ROS ...
The code you've shown above looks ok. I'd guess that the
node only publishes a message when it finds something interesting, and your pointcloud input isn't providing what it is looking for. For example, does an "interesting" thing need to be more than 1 point in height?Here is the project owner's implementation: He also uses a 2D Lidar, the laser scan data looks just like mine
OK, I'll take your word that his app processes 2d lidar data. You should check whether the lidar is working as you expect: Have you displayed your /filtered_cloud data in rviz? If you move an object into range, are the corresponding pixels displayed in rviz?