moveit cartesian plan subframe

asked 2022-05-16 09:47:48 -0500

emielke gravatar image

I'm looking into how to use MoveIt! to have a robot grab a tool, and then plan a path using the subframes of the attached tool. I followed the guide for setting up an object with subframes here, but I have only been able to do things with move_group like plan and execute. When I try to make a path with computeCartesianPath, I get the error Link object0/tcp not found in model.

I'm not exactly sure how to proceed from here, everything works properly using plan and execute, and I get the expected positioning of my eef with respect to my planning frame, but simply swapping out for computeCartesianPath doesn't appear to be liking the subframes.

Does anyone know a way to get this working properly?

Other details:

  • moveit 1.1.9-1focal.20220427.162832
  • ros Noetic

I can provide more info if needed.

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This is being addressed here.

It appears that as of this release, this capability is not supported, and it needs to go through a plugin.

emielke gravatar image emielke  ( 2022-05-19 10:27:53 -0500 )edit

hi, I'm also working on the same problem, that is, to compute cartesian path based on a series of waypoints for a subframe? Kindly asking if you have solved the problem? Any code sample could be helpful. Thanks.

xcsub gravatar image xcsub  ( 2022-12-08 02:34:33 -0500 )edit