ROS2 plan a trajectory without mapping (without lidar)
Hello, first of all, for a little bit of context, i'm using ros2 foxy with ubuntu 20.04 and gazebo 11. I'm still learning how everything works together so, if i'm saying something wrong, i would really appreciate to be corrected !
I have a robot defined within a urdf file, with plugins to work properly in gazebo. My robot spawn correctly, i can control it with teleop_twist_keyboard and the /tf odom -> base_link and base_link -> [other parts of my robot] are published correctly. As odometry sources I am using differential drive encoder and an absolute location plugin in gazebo (gazebo_ros_p3d) and I have an IMU. My robot spawn in a gazebo world that is just a planar ground with no obstacles
Now I just want to be able to say to my robot something like "go to x=10 and y=12" in an empty map, I don't need to map my environment (as i believe it will be hard with my available sensors anyway). The problem I am facing is that in tutorial like they tends to use lidars which i can't use. From what i understood I have to publish the map -> Odom transform in order to go further but everything i found used lidars to publish it.
Now if anyone could give me some hints in where to look at, that would be wonderful !
On a side note, my robot have a trailer (for now i'm doing as if it wasn't here) but if you happens to have some documentation on path planning with a trailer I would greatly appreciate !
Thank you anyone who took the time to ream me, if you want me to add anything just tell me !
Would you have a tutorial I could follow with