hector_slam tutorial errors
When running the Hector_slam tutorial (http://www.ros.org/wiki/hector_slam/Tutorials/MappingUsingLoggedData) using the downloaded .bag file I get a map, but I also get the following errors:
ERROR 1343506441.987975020, 1310297991.330406663: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):
ERROR 1343506441.988524740, 1310297991.330406663: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):
ERROR 1343506442.239030122, 1310297991.582959932: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):
ERROR 1343506442.492759217, 1310297991.835439286: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):
ERROR 1343506442.743658504, 1310297992.087936543: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):
ERROR 1343506442.987813058, 1310297992.331234214: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /scanmatcher_frame does not exist! Frames (6):
Frame /base_link exists with parent /nav.
Frame /nav exists with parent /map.
Frame /base_stabilized exists with parent /nav.
Frame /base_footprint exists with parent /nav.
Frame /map exists with parent NO_PARENT.
SearchDir angle change too large
SearchDir angle change too large
What is needed here to correct this?