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hector_slam tutorial errors

asked 2012-07-28 09:50:07 -0600

TJump gravatar image

updated 2012-07-28 12:44:29 -0600

joq gravatar image

When running the Hector_slam tutorial ( using the downloaded .bag file I get a map, but I also get the following errors:

ERROR 1343506441.987975020, 1310297991.330406663: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):  
ERROR 1343506441.988524740, 1310297991.330406663: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):  
ERROR 1343506442.239030122, 1310297991.582959932: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):  
ERROR 1343506442.492759217, 1310297991.835439286: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):  
ERROR 1343506442.743658504, 1310297992.087936543: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):  
ERROR 1343506442.987813058, 1310297992.331234214: Trajectory Server: Transform from /map to scanmatcher_frame failed: Frame id /scanmatcher_frame does not exist! Frames (6):
Frame /base_link exists with parent /nav.
Frame /nav exists with parent /map.
Frame /base_stabilized exists with parent /nav.
Frame /base_footprint exists with parent /nav.
Frame /map exists with parent NO_PARENT.


SearchDir angle change too large
SearchDir angle change too large

What is needed here to correct this?

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2 Answers

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answered 2012-07-29 21:57:05 -0600

The first one is a startup artifact that should go away as soon as the whole system is up and running. The trajectory server asks tf for the robot position with a fixed rate and directly at startup this might not yet be available. Should probably be changed to provide a warning instead of an error.

The second one is a hint that the scanmatcher did not converge correctly in two instances. This might happen at the beginning of the RoboCup2011 dataset due to me running around in the team area and shaking the mapping box too much. You should still get a consistent map at the end though.

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So verifying understanding, these errors are generated by the Hector_slam code (not ROS or Linux) and are a result of the data not available (from the bag file not yet running) at launch of the hector_slam tutorial? And yes, the second ones do not appear when running different bag files.

TJump gravatar image TJump  ( 2012-07-30 11:20:02 -0600 )edit

If you get "hector_slam" package by "sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-hector-*", the first error may occur. I get the package by download the source code and run "catkin_make" myself, then source setup.bash in my workspace, then run "roslaunch XXX/hector_slam_launch/launch/tutorial.launch". Everything wil be okay that way:)

yza gravatar image yza  ( 2014-02-12 14:23:35 -0600 )edit

answered 2013-06-14 00:41:52 -0600

ebozgul gravatar image

updated 2013-06-14 00:42:42 -0600

I also got the same errors and output except "SearchDir angle change too large" but in my case I don't get the map on RViz.

Does anybody know why the map doesn't appear?

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Asked: 2012-07-28 09:50:07 -0600

Seen: 2,242 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '13