when to create a new terminal when executing commands

asked 2022-05-25 14:57:15 -0500

r_gerson gravatar image

Hello! I’m a super-beginner (just started doing the tutorials yesterday ). I’ve done the all the understanding ones, creating a workspace one, creating a package one, and writing a publisher / subscriber in Python. In these tutorials, we are told to execute commands, sometimes in a new terminal and sometimes in the same terminal. My question is, when do we need to execute commands in a new terminal ? When is it okay to execute commands in the same terminal ?

I am running humble on Ubuntu 22.04

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For me the big rule is "Does this think need to stay running while I do other things?" For example If I'm running my publisher node in one terminal, and want to see the data it's publishing, I need to start my node in one terminal, and in another (since I need to keep my node running) I can run ros2 topic echo ....

ChuiV gravatar image ChuiV  ( 2022-05-31 20:58:46 -0500 )edit