IK fails with real robot UR5e

asked 2022-06-15 09:25:32 -0500

francirrapi gravatar image

Hi, as I am working with a UR5e and a gripper attached, I modified the urdf in such a way the end effector is in +0.18 on the z-axis. But doing so and having the same ur5e_moveit_config as before, I don't know if it is for this reason that the Ik makes very bad trajectories most of the time with collision or aborted messages. In case this is the problem, I have to make another moveit configuration with the urdf changed??

For sending the pose target I am using this settings:





rospy.sleep(0.5) self.move_group.stop() 
rospy.loginfo("move_group: goal sent") 

...and the pose is a p = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() message.

I never had problems with the target position, but only with target orientation. For calculating the orientation I use tf.transormations.quaternion_from_euler in this way:

quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, np.radians(180), 0)
p.position = curr_pose.position
p.orientation = quat

And the planning frame is the "base_link".

But in some positions and configuration of the robot, just with a new orientation, the robot trajectory execution fails. I saw in gazebo, for not doing everything on a real robot as it is slower, that it tries to readh that pose but it collides with itself and the trajectory that it tries to do is very strange.

I am using Ubuntu with ROS and Moveit to control the robot.

I tried a lot of things but did not found still nothing to solve my problem and there are remaining just a few days to complete this project. I really hope that you will help me in some way to solve this problem and I will appreciate it a lot.

Best regards, Franci

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