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rviz vs vtk

asked 2012-08-01 02:32:54 -0500

Bob Dean gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:13:12 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I have a to create a new vizualizer for a robot related project. While I have solid experience with OpenGL, that experience points to there being a productivity gain from using a toolkit. The decision comes down to rviz, or VTK.

The vizualizer will need to be: - embed-able in other applications - middleware agnostic - displays will renders, there seems to be more to leverage from VTK

To be honest, from what I see there is very little I can leverage from rviz. What I may want to leverage have ties to the "ros way" of doing things which conflict with being middleware agnostic. VTK also seems to have a larger set of components, and potential power.


Related, can ogre and VTK play together in the same app? (i.e. if someone wanted to make an rviz plugin for a VTK based component)

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-08-01 03:56:07 -0500

joq gravatar image

VTK is a better approach for ROS-agnostic visualization.

I believe VTK uses OGRE, itself.

If you later want to integrate your tool into a ROS system, you might consider the new rqt framework, which is designed to be easier to plug into than rviz.

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Asked: 2012-08-01 02:32:54 -0500

Seen: 1,703 times

Last updated: Aug 01 '12