Does the arm in Kuka youbot accept velocity control inputs?
I would like to send angular velocities commands to each joint of the arm in Kuka youbot. I've searched about this robot and I found out it is a joint-velocity-controlled robot which is what I'm looking for. However, what I see in urdf and yaml files don't reflect this type. For example,
For the first joint, in youbot_description/urdf/youbot_arm/arm.transmission.xacro
<transmission name="${name}_trans_1">
<actuator name="${name}_motor_1">
<joint name="${name}_joint_1">
The interface is EffortJointInterface
. In their package, there are two controllers arm_1_vel_controller.yaml and arm_1_controller.yaml. The first one has effort_controllers/JointVelocityController
and the second one has effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController
. Both contain effort_controllers
which means the joints accept effort not velocity. So the robot should be classified as joint-torque-controlled robot. Am I correct?