How to make sure that camera on base calibration is correct

asked 2022-10-03 12:57:23 -0500

akumar3.1428 gravatar image

Hello, I am using easy handeye ( package to calibrate my robotic arm. However , I would like to know that how can I validate that the result from the calibration I got is correct.

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 ROS Noetic

translation: x: 0.4705739455942296 y: 1.0399431884657737 z: 0.6388135790952124 rotation: x: -0.11958812174791901 y: -0.7127805157974599 z: 0.6887959517916398 w: 0.056592881458372546

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Can you try to trace some predefined and simple path with known coordinates using the end effector of the robotic arm (for example, using a simple laser on it) with calibrated parameters? E.g. it could be a square or a lemniscate. You can observe the path determined by the red dot and see if the tracking is correct.

ljaniec gravatar image ljaniec  ( 2022-10-03 19:09:43 -0500 )edit

I am new to ROS , can you please direct me to some resources or tutorials from where I can learn ? Thank you

akumar3.1428 gravatar image akumar3.1428  ( 2022-10-03 19:16:11 -0500 )edit