Will this Project be possible? / ROS Time Syncronisation
Hi Guys,
I would like to discuss the doability of a project. I want to run a couple of ARM Boards (Pandaboard ES) which are connected to each other with an Ethernet-switch. The Boards already run ROS electric and Ubuntu 11.10. Every board is hosting a sensor like a Kinect or Webcam. Now I want to trigger an event and every sensor should publish the data from the exact same time-stamp (synchronization of the data should be in the milliseconds range).
Will that be possible by exporting the master to a single board which is providing the ROS-Time for all other nodes. Did I get I right that the Timestamps in the Sensor_msgs depend on the ROS-Time and so it should be possible to obtain data from the exact same time stamp or will I encounter a summation of time delays? Or does the timestamp in the sensor_msgs header depend on the system time? Is there a way to use the clock just from a single board
It would be great to here about your expertise/opinion.