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python method to initialize mass variable with random data types

asked 2022-10-17 19:59:46 -0500

fury.nerd gravatar image

updated 2022-10-17 20:03:00 -0500

hi, in python, i got a massive signals with random data types need to initialize, below is a sample:

import rclpy

from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from std_msgs.msg import Int8

x = Float32()
y = Int8() = 0.0 = 0

where the initials of = 0.0 or = 0 depends on data types, when i coding i need to check type manually first then decide to write 0.0 or 0, is quite not smart.

if i directly make them all like = 0 = 0

it's easy to coding but i got error AssertionError: The 'data' field must be of type 'int'

is there a way like auto in cpp to make this case easier to coding?

like auto_type() below

import rclpy

from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from std_msgs.msg import Int8

x = Float32()
y = Int8() = auto_type(0) = auto_type(0)
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1 Answer

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answered 2022-10-17 20:16:16 -0500

fury.nerd gravatar image

turn out to use the following code temporarily: # = 0 # = 0
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Asked: 2022-10-17 19:59:46 -0500

Seen: 47 times

Last updated: Oct 17 '22