April tag detection in Gazebo
I have been experimenting in using Gazebo and trying to mount the camera on top of the robot to view April tags on the ceiling. The problem that I have is that the April tag pose estimate is really far off and I have no idea what is causing it since the image_raw comes from gazebo and so does camera info. (The only two thing required to change in launch files for April tags.) The /tag_detection on the image is accurate as I can see the outline (the box drawing) from Rviz. Would be greatly appriciated if someone would enlighten me of this issue.
Camera from gazebo (Sorry I do not know how to format this to the actual one I posted)
<!-- camera -->
<gazebo reference="raspberry_pi_camera">
<sensor type="camera" name="camera">
<camera name="head">
<plugin name="camera_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_camera.so">