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Connecting Hokuyo UTM-30LX LiDAR to a common wi-fi network

asked 2023-03-06 12:37:49 -0500

nuhil gravatar image

I have ROS compatible robot that is controlled from laptop. The laptop is connected to the robot's wifi and running on ROS Melodic.

I want to add sensors, in this case a Hokuyo UTM-30LX Lidar to the same network. The lidar will be connected to another computer, such as an intel NUC. I want to simultaneously control the robot and collect data from lidar from a central laptop where ROS is running.

Can you give me an overall idea to make the system work in ROS?

The Hokuyo Lidar has an ethernet cable and a 4-pin connector. The available resources suggest that the lidar should be connected using a USB. Do I need to convert the 4-pin to USB? Or, I can use the ethernet both for powering up and data transfer without using the 4-pin.

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1 Answer

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answered 2023-03-11 05:22:10 -0500

miura gravatar image

I have run it on a ROS1 melodic with an Ethernet connection. It does not have to be USB. ( Power supply is required separately from Ethernet. )

Sidenote: This may not be a ROS topic.

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Asked: 2023-03-06 12:37:49 -0500

Seen: 74 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '23