Publish dynamic TF with this->get_node_topics_interface() works in foxy but not in humble. (passed non-default qos overriding options without providing a parameters interface)
I have posted an issue on GitHub; however, no one responds to it. So I start to wonder if it is my own mistake. It begins from one day when I transform a piece of ROS foxy code into the Humble environment.
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeTopicsInterface::SharedPtr node_topics_handle = this->get_node_topics_interface();
std::unique_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster> tf_broadcaster_ = nullptr;
tf_broadcaster_ = std::make_unique<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster>(node_topics_handle);
It will give you an error. "passed non-default qos overriding options without providing a parameters interface."
You may wonder why you want to write it like this. Why not use 'this' directly. It is because by using node_topics_handle, I can isolate different functions in different classes without passing the shared printer node everywhere.
Please, tell me how to publish dynamic TF with node_topics_handle.
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Installation type: binaries Version or commit hash: ROS humble DDS implementation: Fast-RTPS Client library (if applicable): rclcpp