Pass a variable to XML(xacro) from CMake

asked 2023-04-13 02:08:03 -0500

sharp-0000ff gravatar image

Hi everyone. I'm using ROS2 Humble and Ubuntu 22.04

How can I pass a variable to XML file (robot.urdf.xacro)? I want to pass a variable from CMake to my urdf file so that I can choose model which I need.

URDF file

<xacro:property name="sim" value="${SIMULATION}"/>
<xacro:if value="${sim == 1}">
    model description...


    set(SIMULATION 0)

configure_file("urdf/robot.urdf.xacro" ${SIMULATION})

I tried to use the configure_file, but it can't parse the file.

image description

Help me, please. Maybe I'm using the wrong command in CMake.

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You probably need to use the @ONLY arg in configure_file and use @SIMULATION@ because it's trying to act on all your xacro expressions.

However, I wonder what you're trying to accomplish with build-time configuration in ROS? Is there a reason you aren't doing this at runtime when you load and publish your robot description?

danzimmerman gravatar image danzimmerman  ( 2023-04-16 08:41:54 -0500 )edit