Behavior tree plugin naming convention in .yaml config file
The version of ROS is Humble. I'm trying to implement a behavior tree plugin for an action that moves an omnidirectional robot in 2D mantaining a fixed direction. I'd like to extend a navigation2 move_to_pose_with_replanning_and_recovery behaviour tree in such a way that the last approach is executed using my custom action. The action works normally when called by an action client or with a goal action message from CLI.
I'm fairly new with C++ but I think I understand most of the nav2_behavior_tree source code.
I created the two files of the wait action example in a separate library, one contains the .hpp code for the plugin, one the .cpp code. The library has the same setup as the nav2_behavior_tree:
- planar_move
- ... (action definition code)
- planar_node (where the bt plugin is defined)
-plugin_palette.xml (defines the custom action plugin)
-custom_bt.xml (defines the custom behavior tree to use with nav to pose)
this is the planar_move_aciton.cpp code that implements the behavior tree plugin:
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "planar_move_interfaces/plugins/action/planar_move.hpp"
namespace its_behaviour_tree
const std::string & xml_tag_name,
const std::string & action_name,
const BT::NodeConfiguration & conf)
: BtActionNode<Action>(xml_tag_name, action_name, conf)
void PlanarMoveActionNode::on_tick()
if (!getInput("goal", goal_.pose)) {
"NavigateToPoseAction: goal not provided");
BT::NodeStatus PlanarMoveActionNode::on_success()
// Set empty error code, action was successful
setOutput("error_code_id", ActionGoal::NONE);
return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;
BT::NodeStatus PlanarMoveActionNode::on_aborted()
setOutput("error_code_id", result_.result->error_code);
return BT::NodeStatus::FAILURE;
BT::NodeStatus PlanarMoveActionNode::on_cancelled()
setOutput("error_code_id", ActionGoal::NONE);
return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;
} // namespace its_behaviour_tree
#include "behaviortree_cpp_v3/bt_factory.h"
BT::NodeBuilder builder =
[](const std::string & name, const BT::NodeConfiguration & config)
return std::make_unique<its_behaviour_tree::PlanarMoveActionNode>(
name, "planar_move", config);
"PlanarMove", builder);
This it the planar_move_action.hpp code:
#include <string>
#include "planar_move_interfaces/action/planar_move.hpp"
#include "nav_msgs/msg/path.h"
#include "nav2_behavior_tree/bt_action_node.hpp"
class PlanarMoveActionNode : public BtActionNode<planar_move_interfaces::action::PlanarMove>
using Action = nav2_msgs::action::PlanarMove;
using ActionResult = Action::Result;
using ActionGoal = Action::Goal;
* @brief A constructor for nav2_behavior_tree::PlanarMoveActionNode
* @param xml_tag_name Name for the XML tag for this node
* @param action_name Action name this node creates a client for
* @param conf BT node configuration
const std::string & xml_tag_name,
const std::string & action_name,
const BT::NodeConfiguration & conf);
* @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick
void on_tick() override;
* @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation upon successful completion of the action
BT::NodeStatus on_success() override;
* @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation upon abortion of the action
BT::NodeStatus on_aborted() override;
* @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation upon cancellation of the action
BT::NodeStatus on_cancelled() override;
* @brief Creates list of BT ports
* @return BT::PortsList Containing basic ports along with node-specific ports
static BT::PortsList providedPorts()
return providedBasicPorts(
BT::InputPort<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>("goal", "Destination to plan to"),
} // namespace nav2_behavior_tree
I'm unsure on how to utilize the ...