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Behavior tree plugin naming convention in .yaml config file

asked 2023-04-30 09:51:20 -0600

filippo.guarda gravatar image

updated 2023-04-30 09:56:49 -0600


The version of ROS is Humble. I'm trying to implement a behavior tree plugin for an action that moves an omnidirectional robot in 2D mantaining a fixed direction. I'd like to extend a navigation2 move_to_pose_with_replanning_and_recovery behaviour tree in such a way that the last approach is executed using my custom action. The action works normally when called by an action client or with a goal action message from CLI.

I'm fairly new with C++ but I think I understand most of the nav2_behavior_tree source code.

I created the two files of the wait action example in a separate library, one contains the .hpp code for the plugin, one the .cpp code. The library has the same setup as the nav2_behavior_tree:

- planar_move
    - ... (action definition code)
  - planar_node (where the bt plugin is defined)
    -plugin_palette.xml (defines the custom action plugin)
    -custom_bt.xml (defines the custom behavior tree to use with nav to pose)

this is the planar_move_aciton.cpp code that implements the behavior tree plugin:

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "planar_move_interfaces/plugins/action/planar_move.hpp"

namespace its_behaviour_tree

  const std::string & xml_tag_name,
  const std::string & action_name,
  const BT::NodeConfiguration & conf)
: BtActionNode<Action>(xml_tag_name, action_name, conf)

void PlanarMoveActionNode::on_tick()
  if (!getInput("goal", goal_.pose)) {
      "NavigateToPoseAction: goal not provided");

BT::NodeStatus PlanarMoveActionNode::on_success()
  // Set empty error code, action was successful
  setOutput("error_code_id", ActionGoal::NONE);
  return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;

BT::NodeStatus PlanarMoveActionNode::on_aborted()
  setOutput("error_code_id", result_.result->error_code);
  return BT::NodeStatus::FAILURE;

BT::NodeStatus PlanarMoveActionNode::on_cancelled()

  setOutput("error_code_id", ActionGoal::NONE);
  return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;

}  // namespace its_behaviour_tree

#include "behaviortree_cpp_v3/bt_factory.h"
  BT::NodeBuilder builder =
    [](const std::string & name, const BT::NodeConfiguration & config)
      return std::make_unique<its_behaviour_tree::PlanarMoveActionNode>(
        name, "planar_move", config);

    "PlanarMove", builder);

This it the planar_move_action.hpp code:


#include <string>

#include "planar_move_interfaces/action/planar_move.hpp"
#include "nav_msgs/msg/path.h"
#include "nav2_behavior_tree/bt_action_node.hpp"

class PlanarMoveActionNode : public BtActionNode<planar_move_interfaces::action::PlanarMove>
  using Action = nav2_msgs::action::PlanarMove;
  using ActionResult = Action::Result;
  using ActionGoal = Action::Goal;

   * @brief A constructor for nav2_behavior_tree::PlanarMoveActionNode
   * @param xml_tag_name Name for the XML tag for this node
   * @param action_name Action name this node creates a client for
   * @param conf BT node configuration
    const std::string & xml_tag_name,
    const std::string & action_name,
    const BT::NodeConfiguration & conf);

   * @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick
  void on_tick() override;

   * @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation upon successful completion of the action
  BT::NodeStatus on_success() override;

   * @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation upon abortion of the action
  BT::NodeStatus on_aborted() override;

   * @brief Function to perform some user-defined operation upon cancellation of the action
  BT::NodeStatus on_cancelled() override;

   * @brief Creates list of BT ports
   * @return BT::PortsList Containing basic ports along with node-specific ports
  static BT::PortsList providedPorts()
    return providedBasicPorts(
        BT::InputPort<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>("goal", "Destination to plan to"),

}  // namespace nav2_behavior_tree



I'm unsure on how to utilize the ... (more)

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1 Answer

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answered 2023-05-01 13:04:55 -0600

The naming are the library names in cmake which are trying to be found by the BT.CPP library's dynamic library loader module. You can name yours however you like as long as its matching the exported cmake library names to the yaml file.

To include your BT nodes into the tree, you have to create your own custom behvaior tree XML file for the BT Navigator and load it in your action request or as the default BT to use when none are specified in the action request. This is where that default is set / grabbed

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Asked: 2023-04-30 09:51:20 -0600

Seen: 201 times

Last updated: May 01 '23