NovAtel OEM7 Driver from workspace

asked 2023-06-09 11:09:15 -0600

manuelmelvin gravatar image

updated 2023-06-09 11:11:30 -0600

I was trying to clone and run the NovAtel OEM7 Driver from to a project workspace named "catkin_ws". After cloning, I successfully build the ws using the command catkin_make. But when I launch the launch file oem7_net.launch by executing the command "roslaunch novatel_oem7_driver oem7_net.launch oem7_ip_addr:= oem7_port:=3003" , the terminal throws an error

"Load_parameters: unable to set parameters (last param was [/novatel/oem7/receivers/main/TIME/frame_id=gps]): cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabled". Attached the screenshot here. Please note that the IP address and Port are verified and are correct. C:\fakepath\Novatel_Error.png

But, when I execute the driver from /opt/ros/noetic/share/novatel_oem7_driver/launch/oem7_net.launch, it is launching successfully without any issues and the ROS topics are getting published. Why it is not launching from the catkin_ws? Am I missing some packages in the catkin_ws? Please help

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