Failed to receive current joint state

asked 2023-06-15 13:43:07 -0600

updated 2023-06-15 13:45:27 -0600


I am working on the motion planning of a 6 DOF robotic arm using ROS (noetic) framework. I am able to do the motion planning successfully. But, as you can see in the below terminal output

[ INFO] [1686852131.819854441, 23.953000000]: arm_manipulator/arm_manipulator: Created 4 states (2 start + 2 goal)
[ INFO] [1686852131.819936604, 23.953000000]: Solution found in 0.103761 seconds
[ INFO] [1686852132.031752953, 24.051000000]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.211746 seconds and changed from 3 to 2 states
[ INFO] [1686852132.039613320, 24.054000000]: Execution request received
[ INFO] [1686852136.439077780, 25.359000000]: Controller 'arm_manipulator_controller' successfully finished
[ INFO] [1686852137.439815202, 25.735000000]: Didn't receive robot state (joint angles) with recent timestamp within 0.458999 seconds.
Check clock synchronization if your are running ROS across multiple machines!
[ WARN] [1686852137.439934001, 25.735000000]: Failed to receive current joint state
[ INFO] [1686852137.440010160, 25.735000000]: Completed trajectory execution with status SUCCEEDED ...
[ INFO] [1686852137.440103739, 25.735000000]: Execution completed: SUCCEEDED

I am getting a warning message that

[ INFO] [1686852137.439815202, 25.735000000]: Didn't receive robot state (joint angles) with recent timestamp within 0.458999 seconds. Check clock synchronization if your are running ROS across multiple machines!
[ WARN] [1686852137.439934001, 25.735000000]: Failed to receive current joint state

This is strange since this topic is correctly configured and I am getting data on /joint_states topic (Freq 50Hz). Please check below rosgraph:

image description

I would like to know

  1. Why am I getting above warning message when the /joint_states topic seems to be working correctly?
  2. Is there any implication of above warning on the motion planning of my robotic arm? Or can I simply ignore it?
  3. Is it related to joint_state_controller/publish_rate (50 Hz)?

I would really appreciate any help.

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Are you using hardware or simulation? If later, are you consistently setting use_sim_time? Check the timestamps on relevant messages to be sure they are consistent. If using multiple machines on real time, ensure they are time synced properly

dcconner gravatar image dcconner  ( 2023-06-15 16:57:43 -0600 )edit

I am doing MP in simulation. Also, setting use_sim_time=true. Not using multiple machines but running in Virtual box.

Anubhav Singh gravatar image Anubhav Singh  ( 2023-06-16 11:47:39 -0600 )edit

I'd double check the timestamps on relevant topics and action goals. I ran into issue before where the use_sim_time was not set properly unless I set via launch file.

dcconner gravatar image dcconner  ( 2023-06-16 12:35:11 -0600 )edit