Nav2 Simple Action Server always returning ABORTED
I'm trying to use the SimpleActionServer class from nav2_utils.
To test it I'm using ros2 action send_goal
from the CLI.
My call back function get called.
However, the send_goal
commands exits immediately after and output Goal finished with status: ABORTED
Goal accepted with ID: 54a3fde88a714c0d948aefe47635a5df
Goal finished with status: ABORTED
while I expected it to hang endlessly as I never explicitly terminate the action, return success or error nor abort in my callback. What am I missing ?
#include <memory>
#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"
#include "nav2_util/simple_action_server.hpp"
#include "my_msgs/action/my_action.hpp"
class AtlerEstimator
m_node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("alter_estimator");
m_server = std::make_unique<nav2_util::SimpleActionServer<my_msgs::action::MyAction>>(m_node, "my_action", std::bind(&AtlerEstimator::MyActionRun, this), nullptr, 500ms, false);
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr m_node;
std::shared_ptr<const my_msgs::action::MyAction::Goal> m_goal;
std::unique_ptr<nav2_util::SimpleActionServer<my_msgs::action::MyAction>> m_server;
void MyActionRun()
m_goal = m_server->get_current_goal();
RCLCPP_WARN(m_node->get_logger(), "Hello");
EDIT: After experimenting, adding this
auto aa = std::shared_ptr<my_msgs::action::MyAction_Feedback>();
gives the expected behavior. With some other experiment, I suspect that if the pointer to the goal handle (not accessible outside the SimpleActionServer class) get destroyed, then it abort the action. Publishing a feedback may somehow "store it"...