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How to import Collada (.dae) files into Gazebo (ROS/Fuerte)?

asked 2012-08-28 19:57:20 -0500

stalinrios gravatar image


I am trying to import a COLLADA (.dae) file into Gazebo (from ROS/Fuerte) in order to run some simulations with the PR2. I created the file using Blender, and it basically has an environment (with some tables and walls) and cloth simulations as well. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to simulate this "world" in Gazebo.

I tried following this tutorial, but the "cob" part seems to be for a different version of Gazebo (not Fuerte); besides, step 5 leads to an infinite loop! I also tried changing the code from the and wg_collada_world.launch as is recommended here but no luck. Then, I tried this one too, but the source paths are not specified for Fuerte yet, so no luck there either. Finally, this one didn’t work, because of the same reason as the later.

I would really appreciate it if anybody can help me figure this out. Thanks,


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1 Answer

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answered 2012-08-28 20:26:48 -0500

updated 2012-08-28 22:05:14 -0500

You can use COLLADA models directly in Gazebo world files by adding them using the < model > tag like so:

<model name="small_wall_1" static="true">
    <link name="small_wall_1_link">
        <origin pose="0 0 0 0 0 0"/>
        <collision name="small_wall_1_collision">
                <mesh filename="small_wall.dae" scale="1 1 1"/>
        <visual name="small_wall_1_visual" cast_shadows="false">
                <mesh filename="small_wall.dae" scale="1 1 1"/>

This also has the advantage that you can specify them as "static" (as done above), which means no costly dynamics simulation will be performed on the models themselves. At least in earlier version of the URDF COB environments this was not the case.

The example was taken from the world file in the hector_nist_arena_worlds package which contains a model of the RoboCup German Open 2011 Rescue Arena made up of many small COLLADA models.

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Asked: 2012-08-28 19:57:20 -0500

Seen: 8,112 times

Last updated: Aug 28 '12