SICK lms problem/ A scan was probably missed
Hi, I'm having a problem for which I would appreciate any kind of help :)
I'm using ubuntu 10.04, installed ros - by following tutorial, and now i have to use sicklms200, so i installed sicktoolbox - also followed tutorial. When i try to connect to laser, problem which appears is a repeating message - "a scan was probably missed". So i looked for an answer, and got to this recommendation:
Fire up your favorite editor and open this file (your_ros_installation_directory)/ros/diamondback/stacks/sicktoolbox/build/sicktoolbox-1.0/c++/drivers/lms/sicklms-1.0/ . Go to line 2319.
In this line, add the O_NDELAY flag as shown here:...(source:
Problem is that I can't find this file, it simply dosen't exist in any of folders :/
I tried reinstalling sicktoolbox and sicktoolbox_wrapper using rosmake (like this:$ rosdep install sicktoolbox_wrapper rviz $ rosmake sicktoolbox_wrapper rviz)
i also find this answer: You'll need to install the laser_drivers stack from source in order to get all of the source files. I'm a total beginner with ros and ubuntu, and probably asking a stupid question, but what does this actually mean? Do i need to add some line in terminal when installing or...??
Again, I'm probably asking stupid questions, but really don't know what else to do or where to find answers so thank you in advance for any help..
edit: I've downloaded and installed the version of ros for ubuntu lucid 10.04 and it's ros fuerte (followed the tutorial, and installed full version as recommended )
thank you all for answers, I will check out if it works as soon as the SICK is available:)
It's a fine question. But, please edit it so we know what version of ROS you installed and exactly which tutorials you are following.