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Aldebaran NAO Cross-Compilation. I can´t generate rostoolchain files.

asked 2012-09-04 12:49:47 -0500

LeonardoLeottau gravatar image


I am following this tutorial for Nao robot and cross compilation ( )

After installation of ROS-Base electric from source, no rostolchain file appears into my installation dir subfolders. I have followed procedure in this link ( electric/Installation/Ubuntu/Source ) modified like that:

rosinstall $TARGETDIR/ros/electric ""

I could not follow step 4 in Cross-Compiling tutorial. I see that maybe the procedure for installing ros electric has changed and finally in ´´/media/external/ros/electric¨ only appear: common_rosdeps ros ros_comm setup.bash setup.zsh

Maybe I have to build a toolchain by using eros?


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2 Answers

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answered 2012-09-04 22:58:52 -0500

daniel_maier gravatar image

just past the contents of the box in the wiki page into your terminal. It will generate a rostoolchain.cmake file

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answered 2012-09-06 09:45:41 -0500

LeonardoLeottau gravatar image

Done, thanks...

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Asked: 2012-09-04 12:49:47 -0500

Seen: 393 times

Last updated: Sep 06 '12