problems with ros installation on pandaboard with armhf
Hi there!
I am trying to install ros on a Pandaboard Rev A4 based on the armhf architecture on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Since no binary Packages are available for armhf, I have to built ros from source according to
which turns out not to be easy. However, I have been able to get the ros core libraries running. Yet, the higher level libraries are causing problems. I follow the instructions up to step 1.3 where rosdep keeps crashing after executing "rosdep install -ay"
I know that the problem is that some dependencies are not available for armhf. I tried to install some of them from source, for example yaml-cpp according to this post:
or swig-wx according to the instructions at
but they are NOT detected by ros then. yaml-cpp is only one of the missing dependencies:
bruewer@panda-desktop:~/ros/simulator_gazebo$ rosdep check -a
System dependencies have not been satisified:
apt libtbb-dev
apt nvidia-cg-toolkit
apt ros-fuerte-ros
apt yaml-cpp
apt ros-fuerte-opencv2
apt ros-fuerte-swig-wx
Installing nvidia-cg-toolkit doesnt even make sense for my PandaBoard, as there is no nvidia GPU available. But that library may be a special case and I read ( that the ros guys are currently working on this. How to I install the missing libs and integrate them with ros? I have been trying to figure this out for days and do not get any further. Any help is appreciated!
Cheers, Bryan
Are you trying to install desktop-full onto a Pandaboard? Can you try installing a simpler ROS variant, such as robot or mobile? See for a list of variants.
I installed ROS on a Pandaboard but without 3D rendering. By the way, I don't think that gazebo or something else will run on the ARM board.
Is it essential to your project that you visualize everything?