Filter collision_object from point cloud
I'm using ROS electric in Ubuntu 10.04. I'm trying to filter points of a known collision_object (a box, not attached to the robot) from the point cloud output of kinect, so that I can build a collision map free of the object to manipulate it. I'm using the filter_attached_objects node from the planning_environment package. The following is a part of my launch file:
<!-- attached_object filter point clouds -->
<node pkg="planning_environment" type="filter_attached_objects" name="filter_attached_objects_sls" output="screen">
<remap from="cloud_in" to="/camera/depth/points_SelfFilter" />
<remap from="cloud_out" to="/camera/depth/points_KnownObjectsFiltered" />
<param name="sensor_frame" type="string" value="camera_depth_optical_frame" />
And collision objects are published in the topic /collision_object.
rostopic info /collision_object
Type: arm_navigation_msgs/CollisionObject
* /box (http://cable:60904/)
* /filter_attached_objects_sls (http://cable:52946/)
* /environment_server (http://cable:60952/)
rostopic echo /collision_object
seq: 0
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: /camera_depth_optical_frame
id: Box_2
padding: 0.0
operation: 0
type: 1
dimensions: [0.35600000619888306, 0.21600000560283661, 0.26399999856948853]
triangles: []
vertices: []
x: -0.223451972008
y: 0.0241708215326
z: 1.2832916975
x: -0.804724097252
y: -0.336898833513
z: -0.330028921366
w: 0.360554099083
The box is visible on rviz as part of the visualization_marker_array published by ros::Publisher vis_marker_array_publisher_ in the filter_attached_objects node.
The problem is that the output point cloud from the node still contains the points that belong to the box.
I recently started using ROS and I might be missing something fairly simple here. Please let me know how to go about working this out.
edit: After looking into the solution for link this question, I tried using set_planning_scene_diff. But the collision object is still visible in the point cloud.
Thanks, Harsha