Error when loading joint controller
Hi I am trying to load a real time joint controller as in the tutorial when i write rosrun pr2_controller_manager pr2_controller_manager list-types i find my controller.
rosrun pr2_controller_manager pr2_controller_manager list-types
but when i try to run it by -- rosrun pr2_controller_manager pr2_controller_manager load my_controller_ns i get an error [
[ WARN] [1348483742.077905347, 5304.895000000]: The deprecated controller type MyControllerPlugin was not found. Using the namespaced version my_controller_pkg/MyControllerPlugin instead. Please update your configuration to use the namespaced version.
[ERROR] [1348483742.078175612, 5304.896000000]: Could not load class my_controller_pkg/MyControllerPlugin: Failed to load library /home/nachum/my_controller_pkg/lib/ Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_REGISTER_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Cannot load library: No manifest in /home/nachum/my_controller_pkg/lib/ my_controller_pkg__MyControllerPlugin
[ERROR] [1348483742.078288739, 5304.896000000]: Could not load controller 'my_controller_ns' because controller type 'my_controller_pkg/MyControllerPlugin' does not exist
any ideas what am i doing wrong? Thanks
Which version of ROS and which OS are you using?
The error messages complain that you aren't declaring and exporting your plugin properly; have you checked that? If you can post your controller code, manifest and CMakelists.txt, that will help debug.