cannot launch on multiple computers
Using Ros Electric and Ubuntu 11.10
I'm attempting to run a launch file from my control computer and have some nodes run locally and some on the remote computer.
My launch files looks like this:
<machine name="Controller" address="localhost" default="true" >
<env name="ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN" value="1" />
<node some_local_nodes />
<include file="$(find remote_pkg)/launch/app.launch"/>
<machine name="MYREMOTE" address="MYREMOTE" default="never" user="me" password="my_password">
<node machine="MYREMOTE" my_remote_app_nodes />
What I get when I run my roslaunch command is:
remote[MYREMOTE-0] starting roslaunch
remote[MYREMOTE-0]: creating ssh connection to MYREMOTE:22, user[me]
remote[MYREMOTE-0]: failed to launch on MYREMOTE:
MYREMOTE is not in your SSH known_hosts file.
Please manually:
then try roslaunching again.
If you wish to configure roslaunch to automatically recognize unknown
hosts, please set the environment variable ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN=1
[MYREMOTE-0] killing on exit
unable to start remote roslaunch child: MYREMOTE-0
I know that the remote computer is in my know_hosts file and I followed the instructions here but I continue to get the same error.
I've tried it with/out passwords and with/out the ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN=1
Any suggestions?
So log in on the other computer using exactly the same host name and user as specified in the launch file works and you are not asked for a password and it's in the known_hosts file with exactly that name?