to pip or not to pip for Raspberry Pi Wheezy [closed]
I am installing ROS on a Raspberry Pi with the Raspian wheezy distro using these instructions: ROS_RaspPi and the debian build.
The instructions worked OK up to but not including step 1.5, Build Higher-level/tools (Layer 2), which apparently is just the way it is.
Anyway, while setting up the environment, I tried to make an overlay and the instructions fail with sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall which generates: unable to locate package python-rosinstall Turns out, that is OK, as rosws was already installed via pip.
But that led to a bigger question-- is it OK to use both pip and apt-get install in the debian build for raspberry pi?
Searching ros answers overlay creation, it seems this may be due to using pip and apt-get install in the same build.
In the debian build instructions, it says: First install rosinstall and rospkg using pip install (advanced options for pip install): sudo pip install -U rosinstall vcstools rospkg rosdep
but there is a note from Tully on August 5th, saying not to do that, but I am wondering if his note applies only to bigger distros like Ubuntu: "If you have previously installed using pip it is recommended to uninstall using pip the tools now available through apt. I will attach instructions for uninstalling these tools below.
These tools include, rospkg, rosdep, rosinstall, vcstools, and rosrelease. In apt they are named python-PACKAGENAME, such as python-rospkg."
What to do?