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subscribe point clouds to octomap

asked 2012-10-11 05:42:03 -0600

Sudhan gravatar image

updated 2012-10-11 06:51:15 -0600

I wrote a node which listen to topic 'rgbdslam/batch_clouds' from 'rgbdslam' package and edit it to publish the required points clouds as topic 'new_batch_clouds'. Now, I need to use 'octomap' to save both point clouds as map. And both has common 'tf' from package 'rgbdslam'.

I tried to make the node 'octomap_server' to subscribe the topic 'new_batch_clouds'. From seeing the codes, I think a topic named 'cloud_in' is subscribed for point clouds. In normal procedure, I don't understand how 'rgbdslam/batch_clouds' would be subscribed by 'octomap_server'

So, now I need two maps. One from the topic 'rgbdslam/batch_clouds', that is done usually. Then, I need another map using 'new_batch_clouds' from the new node and 'tf' from rgbdslam package'. How to make it?

Thanks in advance, for the suggestions.

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-10-11 07:04:08 -0600

Lorenz gravatar image

updated 2012-10-11 07:04:27 -0600

Just use topic remapping (check out this question).

For instance, you can use the following launch file to let the octomap server subscribe to your new_batch_clouds topic:

  <node name="octomap" pkg="octomap_server" type="octomap_server_node">
    <remap from="cloud_in" to="new_batch_clouds" />
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oh! i forgot about the basic feature... thank you lorenz...

Sudhan gravatar image Sudhan  ( 2012-10-11 07:18:12 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2012-10-11 05:42:03 -0600

Seen: 1,050 times

Last updated: Oct 11 '12