building visualization_common (ogre) on archlinux
Following this guide I'm trying to get ROS installed on arch linux. I've worked my way to the very last step which frequently gives linker errors related to boost (i.e. my boost libs are 1.5 but I believe ROS is currently expecting 1.4x). For the most part I've been able to get past these by adding rosbuild_link_boost(package system) to all the affect CMakeLists.txt files, but while building ogre in visualization_common this doesn't seem to be the right solution since everything in there is build outside of the ROS environment.
So my question is this:
1) Is it possible to have ROS use the default arch linux ogre install? This would be the easiest solution since it just works.
2) Barring that, what is the proper way to go about linking in the boost system library for ogre?